Susannah or Susanna Wadsworth

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Susannah or Susanna Wadsworth

Also Known As: "Susanna Wadsworth", "Susannah Storrs", "Susannah Wordsworth"
Birthplace: Cudworth, Borough of Barnsley, Yorkshire, England, Great Britain
Death: November 1791 (77)
Cudworth, Borough of Barnsley, Yorkshire, England, Great Britain
Place of Burial: Royston, St. John Baptist, Yorkshire, England, Great Britain
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Robert Wordsworth and Mary Jane Dalton
Wife of George Storrs
Mother of Joseph Storrs

Managed by: Ronald Richard Carter
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Susannah or Susanna Wadsworth's Timeline

July 25, 1714
Cudworth, Borough of Barnsley, Yorkshire, England, Great Britain
July 25, 1714
Royston, Yorkshire, England, Great Britain
December 30, 1768
Yorkshire, England, Uinted Kingdom
November 6, 1791
Age 77
Royston, St. John Baptist, Yorkshire, England, Great Britain
November 1791
Age 77
Cudworth, Borough of Barnsley, Yorkshire, England, Great Britain