Thomas Johannis Sutton

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Thomas Johannis Sutton's Geni Profile

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Thomas Johannis Sutton

Birthplace: Buckinghamshire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: 1695 (64-65)
Stoke Hammond, Buckinghamshire, England (United Kingdom)
Immediate Family:

Son of Thomas Sutton; Thomas Dudley Sutton and Lady Magdalen Horringham
Husband of Sarah Andrews
Father of Samuel Sutton and Isabelle Murphey

Managed by: Rick Gatewood
Last Updated:
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Thomas Johannis Sutton's Timeline

October 3, 1630
Buckinghamshire, England (United Kingdom)
October 3, 1630
Formby, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Milton Keynes, Stoke Hammond, Buckinghamshire, England (United Kingdom)
Albemarle Parish, Sussex County, Virginia, USA
Age 64
Stoke Hammond, Buckinghamshire, England (United Kingdom)
Castlethorpe, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom