Valpuri Leinonen

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Valpuri Leinonen (1760 - 1773)

Birthplace: Leinolanlahti, Maaninka, Finland
Death: circa 1773 (8-17)
Lappvetelä, Maaninka, Finland
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Petter Leinonen and Apollonia Leinonen
Sister of Karin Leinonen; Anna Leinonen; Zacharias Petri Leinonen and Liisa Leinonen
Half sister of Maria Tiirikainen

Managed by: Tiia Maria Leppänen
Last Updated:
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Valpuri Leinonen's Timeline

March 12, 1760
Leinolanlahti, Maaninka, Finland
Age 12
Lappvetelä, Maaninka, Finland