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Vello Toffer

Birthplace: Eesti (Estonia)
Death: April 30, 1980 (52)
Ulricehamn, Västergötland, Sverige (Sweden) (Sveriges dödbok 1901-2013)
Immediate Family:

Son of Julius Tohver / Toffer and Miina Tohver / Toffer
Husband of Private
Father of Tord Martin Toffer; Private; Ella-Marie Toffer; Eva Milvi Toffer and Private User
Brother of Valter Toffer; (poeg) Toffer; Friedebert Toffer; Milvi Kivik; Helja Reinberg and 1 other

Managed by: Ene Timmusk
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Vello Toffer

Küüditatud juunis & juulis 1941.:

Toffer, Vello, Julius, poeg, 20.02.28 Emmaste v., küüdit. 03.07.41; Patarei vangla, vab. 08.41. Surn. 30.04.80 Rootsi Ulricehamn.

Poliitilised arreteerimised Eestis, kd 1:

TOFFER, Vello, Julius, s. 20.02.28 Hiiumaa Emmaste v., arr. 03.07.41 Emmaste v. Riida k.; Harku laager 03.07.41-08.41, vab. 08.41, surn. peale vab. 30.04.80 Rootsi Ulricehamn. [kl]

Saaga ERA.4311.2.34:441?343,1070,1019,208,0

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Vello Toffer's Timeline

February 20, 1928
Eesti (Estonia)
August 24, 1957
April 30, 1980
Age 52
Ulricehamn, Västergötland, Sverige (Sweden)