Vincent Charbonneau

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Vincent Charbonneau

Birthplace: Quebec, Canada
Death: April 25, 1849 (60-68)
Laval, Laval, QC, Canada
Immediate Family:

Son of François-Pierre Charbonneau; François Pierre Charbonneau; Marie-Judith Quenneville and Judith Quenneville
Husband of Apoline Charbonneau and Marie Appolline (Pauline) CHABOT
Father of Vincent Charbonneau and Louis Charbonneau
Brother of Marie Josephte Charbonneau; Jean Baptiste Charbonneau; Joseph Charbonneau; François Charbonneau and Jean Baptiste Charbonneau
Half brother of Francois Quenneville

Managed by: Helene Valeda Whissell
Last Updated:
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Vincent Charbonneau's Timeline

April 24, 1785
Quebec, Canada
January 3, 1815
Laval, Laval, QC, Canada
April 25, 1849
Age 64
Laval, Laval, QC, Canada