Married Mariah Mensch on April 26, 1849 in Catawissa, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Buried at Hillside Cemetery in Catawissa, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
WASHINGTON PARR, farmer, P. O. Catawissa, was born in Columbia County, Penn., October 4, 1824, a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Shuman) Parr, natives of Pennsylvania and of German descent. His grandfather came from Germany at an early day and settled in Catawissa, where he bought a tract of land and resided until his death. Jacob Parr was born in this county, and was a blacksmith by trade, which he followed a number of years at Lime Ridge, this county. In 1834 he bought a farm in Catawissa Township, where he followed agricultural pursuits until his death in 1847; that of his widow occurred in 1870. Our subject was reared on a farm and remained with his parents until the death of his father, when he rented the homestead and farmed it nine years, when it was sold. He then moved on his father-in-law's farm in this township and farmed eight years. He was engaged in mercantile business from 1858 to 1867. In 1864 he bought fourteen acres of land, where he now lives, on which he erected nearly all the buildings, made improvements and has since resided. He now owns ninety acres of good land, also the Willow Grove grist-mill, better known as "Parr's mill." He also bought a saw-mill, which, however, he has since abandoned. The grist-mill is almost in constant use with R. S. McHenry, miller. Mr. Parr married, in April, 1849 Maria, daughter of John and Christiana Mench. Mr. and Mrs. Parr are the parents of three children, two living: Alice, wife of Samuel Loreman, residing in York, Neb., and Sarah. Mr. and Mrs. Parr are members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Parr was elected county commissioner in 1884, and has since served the public with satisfaction; has also been overseer of the poor, school director and stands high in political affairs. In politics he is a Democrat.(History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle, 1887, pg 462 Transcribed by Tammy L. Clark)
1824 |
October 4, 1824
Pennsylvania, United States
1857 |
November 27, 1857
Pennsylvania, United States
1908 |
February 11, 1908
Age 83
Pennsylvania, United States