William Stewart

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William Stewart

Birthplace: Belmont, OH, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of John Stewart and Margaret Stewart (Thompson)
Husband of Martha Isabel Stewart
Brother of Sarah Ramsey; Susannah Farmer; Samuel Stewart; Harriet Margaret Case; Maria Stewart and 4 others

Managed by: Alice Zoe Marie Knapp
Last Updated:

About William Stewart

His birth took place in Belmont County, Ohio, May 16, 1815. He engaged in farm work with his father on the old homestead. He was married, after being somewhat advanced in years, to Martha Isabel Law, December 13, 1866, at Mansfield, Ohio. She died January 29, 1880, and was buried in the Mansfield Cemetery. Cousin William Stewart has been quite an invalid for some time. He lives on the old farm, about three miles southeast of Mansfield, Ohio. No children.

SOURCE: Thompson, Rev. Samuel Findley (1828-1912), The Thompson-Given Families; 1898; privately published, Oxford, Ohio. (Available on microfilm at the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, FHL # 1402788.)

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William Stewart's Timeline

May 16, 1815
Belmont, OH, United States