Williamina Nichol Mirrlees

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Williamina Nichol Mirrlees (Fleming)

Birthplace: Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Death: 1853 (25-26)
Barony, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of John Fleming and Jane Fordyce Fleming
Wife of James Buchanan Mirrlees
Mother of Elizabeth Buchanan Mirrlees and Jane Fordyce Mitchell
Sister of Ann Beith; Margaret Paterson; Jane Nichol Arnot; Christina Fordyce Mitchell; Mary McMicking and 5 others

Managed by: Private User
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Williamina Nichol Mirrlees's Timeline

March 19, 1827
Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Age 25
Barony, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)