Willis (Willie Berry) Holloway

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Willis (Willie Berry) Holloway's Geni Profile

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Willis (Willie Berry) Holloway

Also Known As: "Willis Berry Holloway"
Birthplace: Ellaville, Schley, Georgia, USA
Death: November 21, 1931 (66-67)
Ellaville, Schley, Georgia, USA
Immediate Family:

Son of Simpson Jordan Holloway and Martha DeLaney Crabtree
Brother of Simpson Jordan Holloway; John J Holloway; William M Holloway; Louisa E Holloway; Mastin VanBuren Holloway and 7 others

Managed by: Jessica Elmer
Last Updated:
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Willis (Willie Berry) Holloway's Timeline

Ellaville, Schley, Georgia, USA
Age 6
Ellaville, Schley, Georgia, USA
November 21, 1931
Age 67
Ellaville, Schley, Georgia, USA