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Son of william Stronach and isabella wilson Brother of Mary Stronach; ann Stronach; isabella Stronach; anne anette Olsen; robert edward leland Olsen and 17 others; ingvar arne moe Liland; theodoere liland Olsen; ingebjørg lunde dagestad Liland; gudrun underberg lunde Liland; elizabeth Stronach; james Stronach; andrew Stronach; alexander Stronach; knud kiddelson Flåt; helena liland Stronach; dorethy corbett cox Olsen; torkel j leland nesland Hagen; lorentine karoline kristine paulsen jørgensen Olsen; olaf sigurd Olsen; jenny sofie kristensen Olsen; N.N. Liland and william Stronach « less