Ophthalmologists= Pictured Right: Watercolour of a nun with a bleeding eye, Arzneibuch Compendium of popular medicine and surgery, 1675 Below is a list but please add any Ophthalmologists profiles on Geni to this project.You may also be interested in Corrective VIsion Opticians ===18th–19th centuries===* Joseph Forlenze* Theodor Leber discovered Leber's congenital amaurosis, Leber's hereditary ...
Opticiens in de familie ~ Opticians in the family ====titelSinds eind twintigste eeuw kent het beroep van opticien in Nederland geen titel-bescherming meer. Het is dus toegestaan dat niet-gediplomeerd personeel werkt als opticien. Hetzelfde geldt voor de contactlensspecialist. Optometrist en orthoptist zijn wel beschermde titels.In Vlaanderen is een RIZIV-erkenning nodig om het beroep te mo...
Scientific Equipment Optician - Telescope Opticians=A Scientific equipment optician is an individual who makes and adjusts other optical aids, including telescope optics and microscope lenses. See also Optician for individuals who make and adjust eyeglasses.===Telescope opticians===* James Gilbert Baker* John A. Brashear* Laurent Cassegrain* Henri Chrétien* Alvan Clark* Leonard Digges* John Dol...
Opticians - Corrective Vision=The first known artistic representation of eyeglasses was painted by Tommaso da Modena in 1352. He did a sequence of frescoes of brothers efficiently reading or replicating manuscripts; one holds a magnifying glass while the other has glasses suspended on his nose. Once Tommaso had established the example, other painters positioned spectacles on the noses of many o...