Willoughby Cemetery is located in the town of Great Valley, Cattaraugus County, New York. This small cemetery rests among the fields at the edge of the Allegheny foothills. Starting as a family cemetery, the earliest grave is from 1825, belonging to Esther Wright Willoughby. The cemetery has since expanded to include extended family within the farming communities of Great Valley. Willoughby Cem...
“Farm Murders” 1 April 1997 to 31 March 1998 TAU (Transvaal Agricultural Union) 1997/98: 153 Murders SAPS 1997/98 "official" figures: 153 Murders from 490 Attacks Archived SAPS website There are 92 victims remembered in this project This figure includes 8 couples (farmer and wife) between 25/08/1997 - 17/03/1998 34 Victims were aged between 60 - 92 1997 April Andries Marthi...
“Farm Murders” 1 April 1998 to 31 March 1999 TAU (Transvaal Agricultural Union) 1998: 104 Murders from 201 Attacks SAPS 1998/99 "official" figures: 144 Murders from 827 Attacks There are 107 victims remembered in this project This figure includes 9 couples (farmer and wife) between 14/05/1998 - 28/02/1999 61 Victims were aged between 60 - 87 1998 April Muzuffarr Khan (41) 03/04/1...
Historic Buildings of Oxfordshire ==England Image right - Blenheim Palace >===== Image By Blenheim_Palace_2006_cropped.jpg: *Blenheim_Palace_2006.jpg: gailf548 from New York State, USAderivative work: Nev1 (talk)derivative work: Durova (talk) - Blenheim_Palace_2006_cropped.jpg, CC BY 2.0, Wiki =====See Historic Buildings of Britain and Ireland - Main Page The object of this project is to provi...
Oxfordshire - Main Page ==Historic County of EnglandThis is the Umbrella Project page for Oxfordshire===Related Projects are >=====Oxfordshire Burials - to follow>===== Oxfordshire - Famous People >===== Historic Buildings of Oxfordshire >===== Historical Oxfordshire >===== Oxfordshire Genealogical Resources >===== Oxfordshire - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards
Witley Park, Surrey, England= Witley Park was a 19th-century house and is an estate in Surrey, between Godalming and Haslemere. ===History===The estate named Lea Park between Godalming and Haslemere, Surrey, and the adjacent South Park Farm, were purchased in 1890 from the Earl of Derby. The title to the estate included the titular Lordship of the Manor and control of Hindhead Common. Lea Park ...
Willington Manor, Bedfordshire, England=* Type of Building: Timber framed* Condition: Broken up* Location: Bedfordshire* Category: Grade II, of special interest* Date Listed: May 1984 by by the former Department of Environment. The 17th century (with one 18th century section altered in the 19th century) garden wall, which includes some remains of the former manor house, was also listed in May 1...
Historic Buildings of Worcestershire ==England Image right - Hagley Hall ===== Image by Hagley Hall - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wiki Commons =====See Historic Buildings of Britain and Ireland - Main Page The object of this project is to provide information about historic buildings in the county of Worcestershire, with links to sub-projects for specific buildings as appropriate. GENi profiles of ...
Dorfold Hall, Cheshire, England= Dorfold Hall (SJ635524) is a Jacobean mansion in Acton, near Nantwich, in Cheshire, UK. It is recorded in the National Heritage List for England as a designated Grade I listed building.[1] It was considered by Nikolaus Pevsner to be one of the two finest Jacobean houses in Cheshire.[2]The present owners are the Roundells.[3]===History===Dorfold or Deofold means ...
Denman College, Berkshire (now Oxfordshire), England=(Formerly known as Marcham Park) Denman College , is a residential adult education college centred on Marcham Park at Marcham in the English county of Oxfordshire (formerly Berkshire).Founded by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) in 1948, Denman offers day schools and residential courses in cookery, craft and lifestyle.===Ma...
Cogges Manor, Oxfordshire, England Cogges Manor Farm is a one-time working farm in Cogges near Witney in Oxfordshire, now a heritage centre operated by a charitable trust and open to the public. Its aim is to give visitors an insight into farm life, and how the food they eat is husbanded or cultivated. Additionally it provides workshops for school children and adults about food production, loca...
Hillingdon House, London, England= Hillingdon House is a Grade II listed mansion in Hillingdon, Greater London. The original house was built in 1717 as a hunting lodge for the Duke of Schomberg. It was destroyed by fire and the present house was built in its place in 1844.The British Government purchased Hillingdon House in 1915 and it became a military hospital. In 1917, what would become the ...
Boyle Farm, Surrey, England====This Large and Very Elegant House ===Over two hundred years ago, Hannah More, the writer and evangelist, visited Boyle Farm and immediately reached for her pen to tell her sister: "I was never so astonished as to see this large and very elegant house". This visit, as we shall see, she was pleased to repeat on several subsequent occasions.The house she so admired h...
Clonterbrook House, Cheshire, England= Clonterbrook House is a former manor house in the parish of Swettenham, Cheshire, England. It was built in 1697 for Jeffery and Katherine Lockett. It passed from the Lockett family in 1769, but was bought by Derek and Elizabeth Lockett in 1939. They restored the house in 1949.[1] The house is constructed in brick, and it has a stone-slate roof. There are t...