There are already 30 users and 4,567 genealogy profiles with the Löffler surname on Geni. Explore Löffler genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
1951 Hungarian Death Record - Ilona LOFFLER (Ozskarne HARASTI) died 25/3/1951 Budapest, Hungary, age 72 years, wife of Ozskar HARASZTI, daughter of Laszlo LOFFLER and Antonia KERENYI (see media)
1892-05-15 JEWISHGEN - Vilmos Farkas STERNFELD (age 24, born Radvan, son of Jozsef STERNFELD and Guszti ELZASZ) married Vilma LOFFLER (age 26, born Szanto, daughter of Ignacz LOFFLER and Babett BOHM ) ...
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