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Newcomb Genealogy and Newcomb Family History Information

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  • 1st wife of Andrew Newcomb (c.1619 - bef.1662)
    Not a known child of Sir Edward Gorges, 1st Baron Gorges of Dundalk CAPT. ANDREW (1) NEWCOMB, born probably in England about 1618; died in Boston, Mass., Nov. 1686 (footnote) The name of his f...
  • Abigail Newcomb (1749 - d.)
  • Abigail Davenport (1677 - d.)
    Notes From are no confirmed marriage or death records for Abigail but there are the following records that suggest she married Richard Davenport.Abigail and her husband, Richard Davenport's names appea...
  • Abigail Newcomb (1781 - 1817)
  • Alice Newcomb (1686 - 1767)

About the Newcomb surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Newcomb surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Newcomb surname.

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