Surnames » Pablo » Profiles

Agate Pablo (Finley) MP (1849 - 1932)

AGATHA FINLEY (OTHERWISE AGATE, OR AGATHE FINLEY)===is described as: "the Pend d’Oreille daughter of Augustin 'Yoostah' and Clemence 'Cah-le-moss' Finle" in Chalk Courchane's biographical account of he...

Photo from

Alfonso Pablo MP (1895 - aft.1949)

Alfonso Pablo was a Filipino lawyer and politician who served as governor of Tarlac from 1938 to 1940. He represented the 1st district of Tarlac at the House of Representatives of the Philippine Island...

Photo by National Nutrition Council, from This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws.

Mita Pardo de Tavera MP (1919 - 2007)

Mita Pardo de Tavera was a Filipino pulmonologist, writer, socio-civic leader, and community health worker. She served as Secretary of Social Welfare and Development during the administration of Presid...

Frank Pablo MP (deceased)

Photo taken from:

Gregorio Formoso MP (1884 - d.)

Gregorio P. Formoso was a Filipino politician who served as Governor of Isabela in 1945. He was representative of Isabela in the National Assembly during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.

Photo from;view=image;q1=pablo Original file: or or This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1927.

Guillermo Pablo MP (1886 - 1982)

Guillermo Pablo was a Filipino lawyer, journalist and politician. He represented the lone district of Zambales at the House of Representatives of the Philippines from 1916 to 2022. He was the 47th Asso...

Joseph Imanuel Pablo MP (1888 - 1929)

Joseph Pablo======Cowboy===Joseph Pablo was one of the Cowboys who took part in the roundup of his father's buffalo herd, which had been sold to the Canadian government.The final shipment to Canada was...

Laurette Pablo MP (1826 - 1887)

From Montana’s Flathead Reservation and Its Outlaws, of which four were hanged in Missoula on December 19, 1890, by David C. “Chalk” Courchane, 2014Missoula County Times, Nov.23, 1887, p3, c5:Killed.Lo...

Seal from This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws.

Luwalhati Pablo MP (1944 - 2019)

Luwalhati Pablo was a Filipino civil servant. She served as acting Secretary of Social Welfare and Development from July 8, 2005 to July 20, 2005.

La Vanguardia (31 August 1935, p. 6): This work was first published in the Philippines and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines. The work meets one of the following criteria: It is an anonymous or pseudonymous work and 50 years have passed since the year of its publication It is an audiovisual or photographic work and 50 years have passed since the year of its publication It is a work of applied art and 25 years have passed since the year of its publication It is another kind of work, and 50 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author) Important note: Works of foreign (non-U.S.) origin must be out of copyright or freely licensed in both their home country and the United States in order to be accepted on Commons. Works of Philippine origin that have entered the public domain in the U.S. due to certain circumstances (such as publication in noncompliance with U.S. copyright formalities) may have had their U.S. copyright restored under the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA) if the work was under copyright in its country of origin on the date that the URAA took effect in that country. (For the Philippines, the URAA took effect on January 1, 1996.) This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published in the United States between 1929 and 1977, inclusive, without a copyright notice. For further explanation, see Commons:Hirtle chart as well as a detailed definition of "publication" for public art. Note that it may still be copyrighted in jurisdictions that do not apply the rule of the shorter term for US works (depending on the date of the author's death), such as Canada (50 p.m.a.), Mainland China (50 p.m.a., not Hong Kong or Macao), Germany (70 p.m.a.), Mexico (100 p.m.a.), Switzerland (70 p.m.a.), and other countries with individual treaties.

Manuel Singson MP (1877 - aft.1937)

Manuel Singson was a Filipino physician and politician. He served as Governor of Ilocos Sur from 1910 to 1912. He was the brother-in-law of Vicente Singson Encarnación . Baptism

Margaret Todd (Pablo) MP (deceased)

Mary Pablo (Finley) MP (deceased)

Mary Louise Pablo (Matt) MP (1890 - d.)

Mary Grandjo (Tellier) MP (1845 - 1917)

Cote de Pablo MP

Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States

María José de Pablo Fernández,[1] better known as Cote de Pablo (born November 12, 1979), is a Chilean-American actress and recording artist. Born in Santiago, Chile, she moved to the United States at ...

Michel Pablo MP (deceased)

Michel Pablo MP (1844 - 1914)

MICHEL PABLO======Montana Pioneer, Rancher: Cattle King of the Lower Flathead===Michel Pablo was born sometime in 1844, or 1845, probably at Fort Benton, Montana Territory, the son of Michel Pablo and ...

Otter Woman MP (deceased)

OTTER WOMAN===belongs to the Piegan Blackfeet Nation [Michel Pablo: A Composite History in the Pacific Northwest in 1844 by Chalk Courchane] for an account of the Piegan Blackfeet Nation see [Wikipedia]

Preston Pablo MP

Preston Pablo (born April 30, 2001) is a Canadian singer-songwriter from Timmins, Ontario.[1] He is most noted as a three-time Juno Award nominee at the Juno Awards of 2023, winning the Breakthrough ...

Third Wife of Laurette Pablo MP (deceased)

Photo from Official Directory of the House of Representatives (1923, p. 80) Source: Author: Official Directory of the House of Representatives (1923) This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws. Public domain This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1930. Public domain works must be out of copyright in both the United States and in the source country of the work in order to be hosted on the Commons. If the work is not a U.S. work, the file must have an additional copyright tag indicating the copyright status in the source country.

Vicente Singson Pablo MP (1874 - bef.1938)

Vicente Singson Pablo was a Filipino lawyer and politician. He represented the first district of Ilocos Sur at the House of Representatives of the Philippine Islands from June 6, 1922 to June 2, 1925. ...

Photo from La Vanguardia (16 June 1934, p. 25): Original file: or or Wikimedia Commons: This work was first published in the Philippines and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines. The work meets one of the following criteria: It is an anonymous or pseudonymous work and 50 years have passed since the year of its publication It is an audiovisual or photographic work and 50 years have passed since the year of its publication It is a work of applied art and 25 years have passed since the year of its publication It is another kind of work, and 50 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author) Important note: Works of foreign (non-U.S.) origin must be out of copyright or freely licensed in both their home country and the United States in order to be accepted on Commons. Works of Philippine origin that have entered the public domain in the U.S. due to certain circumstances (such as publication in noncompliance with U.S. copyright formalities) may have had their U.S. copyright restored under the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA) if the work was under copyright in its country of origin on the date that the URAA took effect in that country. (For the Philippines, the URAA took effect on January 1, 1996.) This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published in the United States between 1929 and 1977, inclusive, without a copyright notice. For further explanation, see Commons:Hirtle chart as well as a detailed definition of "publication" for public art. Note that it may still be copyrighted in jurisdictions that do not apply the rule of the shorter term for US works (depending on the date of the author's death), such as Canada (50 p.m.a.), Mainland China (50 p.m.a., not Hong Kong or Macao), Germany (70 p.m.a.), Mexico (100 p.m.a.), Switzerland (70 p.m.a.), and other countries with individual treaties.

Vicente Formoso MP (1892 - 1974)

Vicente Formoso was a Filipino lawyer and politician. He represented the first district of Cagayan at the House of Representatives of the Philippines from June 2, 1925 to June 2, 1931. He later served ...

de Pablo (deceased)

Pablo (1872 - d.)

? Pablo (deceased)

? Pablo (deceased)

? Bruno (deceased)

??? Pablo (deceased)

AGUSTIN PABLO (deceased)

AGUSTIN PABLO (deceased)


AUDIE PABLO (deceased)

Ada Pearl Pablo (Rollins) (deceased)

Ada Elenia Vega (Ada Elenia Rodriguez) (1938 - 2007)

Adela Cuevas Espinosa (1881 - 1961)

Adelaida Cuevas Espinosa (deceased)

Adelaida Pablo (c.1901 - d.)

Adelaida López de Pablo (c.1881 - d.)

Adelida Pablo

Agapita Pablo (1855 - d.)

Agapita Pablo was baptized by Nemesio García , and her godmother at the time of her baptism was Manuela de Borja Agapita Pablo's Baptismal Register:

Agripina Reyes (Pablo) (1934 - 1992)

Agustin Pablo (deceased)

Agustin Ponce San Pablo (1911 - 2014)

Agustin Pablo (deceased)

Agustin Pablo (deceased)

Agustina Nanclares de Pablo (1722 - d.)

Agustina Pablo (b. - 1830)

Agustín Rafael de iglesias y Pablo Fernández, III marqués de Prado Alegre (deceased)

Agustín Arruego Pablo (1929 - d.)

Agustín Pascual de Pablo (1750 - d.)

Agustín Pablo (b. - bef.1865)

Agustín Lozano de San Pablo (1708 - d.)

Alejandra de los Santos Mendoza (deceased)

Alejandra Pablo (1863 - d.)

Alejandra Pablo was baptized by Nemesio García , and her godmother at the time of her baptism was Irene Constantino.Source:* Alejandra Pablo's Baptismal Register:

Alejandro Pablo (bef.1885 - d.)

Alejandro Pablo (1856 - d.)

Alejandro Pablo was baptized by Nemesio García , and his godfather at the time of his baptism was Jacinto López Alejandro Pablo's Baptismal Register:

Alejandro Pablo (deceased)

Alejandro de Pablo Lopez (1918 - 1988)

Alejandro Francisco de Sales Muxó y Pablo Vélez (1845 - 1916)

Information from page 25 of

Alejandro Checa Pablo (c.1850 - 1883)

Alejandro de Pablo (aft.1910 - bef.1939)

Alejandro Pablo Béjar (Pablo) (aft.1930 - bef.2014)

Alejandro Pablo (deceased)

Alex Michel Pablo (1915 - 1939)

Alexander Neuman Pablo (1890 - 1961)

ALEXANDER N. PABLO======Cowboy===Alexander Pablo was one of the Cowboys who took part in the roundup of his father's buffalo herd, which had been sold to the Canadian government.The final shipment to C...

Alexo de Pablo González (1798 - d.)

Alfonso García (1892 - d.)

Alfonso García was baptized by Francisco Renedo , and his godfather at the time of his baptism was Juan de los Santos, who was widowed from Quingua at that time.Source:* Alfonso García's Baptismal Regi...

Almaguras Pablo (deceased)

Alonso de San Pablo (c.1650 - d.)

Alonso de Pablo Martín (1727 - d.)

Alonso de Pablo de Castilla (c.1630 - d.)

Alonso de Pablo Sanz (1671 - d.)

Alonso de San Pablo de Ávila (1634 - d.)

Amada de Castro (c.1900 - 1950)

Sources:* Amada de Castro's Death Certificate: Basilio Castro and Amada Medina's Marriage Register:

Amador Pablo Tudela (deceased)

Amaguras Aragón Pablo (deceased)

Amelia Pablo

Amparo San Pablo (b. - 1918)

Amparo Romero Balmaseda Ochoa (deceased)

Amparo de Pablo Llorente (1846 - 1880)

Amparo Enriquez Pablo (1904 - 1977)

Ana Cristina Pablo Fernández de Tejada, II marquesa de Prado Alegre (deceased)

Ana Damiana Espinosa de Contreras y Pablo-Vélez (c.1702 - 1766)

Ana Dominga de Valdespino y Yanes (1755 - 1781)

Information from page 17 of

Ana Gabriela Pablo-Vélez y Padrón (1757 - d.)

Ana Gabriela Pablo-Vélez y Padrón (1751 - d.)

Ana Josefa Pablo-Vélez y Padrón (1764 - d.)

Ana María Marcela de San José Barbabosa Pablo-Fernández (1738 - d.)

Ana María Allen Perkins y de Pablo (1908 - 1984)

Ana María Zabala De Pablo (c.1940 - c.2018)

Ana María González Muñoz (1781 - d.)

Ana Victor Pablo (deceased)

Ana Díaz de Lavandero (c.1622 - d.)

Ana de Pablo de Frutos (1769 - d.)

Ana Martín Martín (1655 - d.)

Ana Calvo de Pablo (deceased)

Ana Fernández Esteban (c.1702 - d.)

Ana Alguacil López (1732 - d.)

Ana MERINO MARTIN (1684 - 1760)

Ana María Pablo Vélez y Saá Cordero (1646 - 1721)