Weissblum families from ther Holy Land of Ameica may in some way descend from and named after
Sac Nicté ,princess of Mayapán ,whose name means White Flower,and who was the wife of Canek ,
chief of the Itza in the XIIIrd century according to the current aera globally used of begin in 1387 BC ,
that is in fact in the 2nd century BC .
The Itza ,or Putun-Maya ,might originate ,or a group of them might once have lived at the river in Amazonia
called Ica ( Itsa) or Putumayo ,not too far from the capital of the Holy Land ,situated at the sources of the
river Gewag-Ha-Yanna ,which is the Orinoco,flowing around the country of Guayana ,and beyond the
Rio Negro ,that was registered in the Byble of Babylónia,written in a local dialect ,as QDRYN ,
which on that means the same .
Canek and his friends ,as it is told in the accounts ,applied some means of violence by the arrangement
of their marriage ,and the consequences of this might have forced the couple to move away from their home ,
either from Mayab to Amazonia ,or the other way around .
Similarly ,the Canichana people in Bolivia may stand in some connection with Na Chan Ka'an ,
a king of the Maya city of Chetumal much later .
She was ,anyway,the daugfhter of Ceel Cauich Ah ,who at becomeing the ruler of Mayapán confoederation
adopted the name Hunak Ceel .
This can be interpreted in Türk as Hun Akse(k)el ,that is Whitebearded Hun ,a person worth of having a
daughter with the name White Flower, or as Hun-(D)ak-Se(k)el .
He appears namely to be identical with the king of Chimú in Perú ,not far from the Putumayo ,by name Acunta ,
who might also have been Ak-Hun-Da,that is Hun-Dák ,and with Hunor of the Hungarian chronicles ,
whose name can be interpreted in Armenian as Hun-Nor ,which means New Hun .
As the Chango in Dakia among the Sekel are the successors of the Hun ,he might have been the king of
Assam who was called Chang Nyew ,that is New Chango .
Perhaps the name Ngo-Ngo in the Tonga traditions refers also to him .
The old Chango or Hun are the Chango or Huno people of Bolivia ,who may be the successors of the
Chanca / Changa ,who ,.according to local oral traditions ,were descended from a king ruling in the
capital of the Holy Land ,in Manoá ,many generations before the Inca dynasty,who might well have been Chang ,
founder of Zhou empire in China ,idnetical with DYWD ,first paramount king of America ruling from Hierosalém
between about 1116 and 1083 BC ,while the New Chango are the Araucanian Chango ,who may be descended
from the New Hun ,father of the Weiss'-Blum .
Canek's ancestry is unknown ,but might have been not much less noble than his fiancee .
Probably he was a son of Hunor's brother ,Magor ,and thus the couple were cousins .
Hunor appears to have been called Odomar or Odoméra in the Iudaian history ,and may be the ancestor of Odomari ,
that is Udmurt ,or as Od-Don-Ma-Yawara ,of Donm'odyora nobles ,who thus may be the successors of the
New Hun or Chango ,while his brother might well have been Mathatias from Modain ,that might have been
Mo(r)dawin,that of the Mordvin ones in Khazaria ,part of the Great Hun empire .
They ruled until about 149 and 166 BC ,that is according to hte curent global aera of begin in 1387 BC ,1238 and 1221 .
Canek and Sac Nicté then moved to Nojpetén .
See Hun ,Huno,Hunor,Wendi,Chango,Csángó,Magor,Mahón,Goldhammer,Maksay,Maksai,Maksa,Maróthy,Steinblum,
Bugi,Catarro,Pao,Kamea,Palena,Melinka,Chaco,Chontal and others !
Balázs Déri